CHAMNEY SANITATION LTD. offers a wide variety of Front-End Load (FEL) waste and cardboard recycling services. Our radio-dispatched trucks can easily and efficiently service retail and commercial businesses, hospitals, schools, apartment buildings, campgrounds, industry & private applications.
We offer 2, 4, 6 and 8 cubic yard lockable bins that can satisfy all your waste removal needs.
These bins are placed on a permanent basis. A flexible pick-up schedule can be arranged to suit your needs.
With cardboard not being accepted at local landfills, we can provide the right size bins for your cardboard recycling needs, as well.
Weekly, bi-weekly or monthly pick-ups are the norm, however; our local service provides for increased flexibility in this regard. We can tailor a collection program at competitive rates to specifically cater to your waste or recycling needs.
Contact us now for a 'No-Hassle' quote!
PHONE: 519-526-7799
FAX: 519-526-1072
The price we quote is the price you pay, with no hidden costs such as fuel surcharges added on. We also do not require signed contracts to keep your business.
We are content that our competitive pricing and local reliable service will guarantee a long-lasting business relationship!!